Aylin Acar
gidatutako konponbidera bideratutako erantzukizuna
Aylin Acar is a driven person with a high sense of responsibility. She can’t stand unjustified situations and for that reason she is extremely driven to assist clients. Aylin is also ambitious. It is her goal to help the client in the best possible way, without losing sight of the client’s interests. Moreover, she is involved and friendly. She feels it is important to look after clients’ interests, using a personal approach so that clients don’t feel like a ‘number’.
Barruan Law & More, Aylin batez ere, zuzenbide pertsonalaren eta familiaren, enpleguaren zuzenbidearen eta migrazioen arloan lan egiten du.
Aylin gustatzen zaio erosketetara joatea eta hiriko bidaiak egitea. Gainera, familiarekin eta lagunekin denbora pasatzen du eta afaltzera joaten da.